Kids Talk Gang Talk, is a talk show that deals with interventions and
alternatives to gang violence.
The uniqueness of the show is that we allow every guest that appears
on the show to express themselves without any censorship or
anything to interfere with them telling their story. We also have a
musical guest on every show.
We always provide a safe, effective, and therapeutic environment for
those who come on the show. We know that gang violence is an
ongoing occurrence in society that must be dealt with to prevent
younger generation from going down the same path.
A major part of the show is focused on education and not advocating
gang violence.
Throughout the many years, Kids Talk Gang Talk has brought many
community organizations together to discuss the possibilities of
preventing kids from going down that dark road.
“In order to teach a child, we have to reach them on their individual
“Just remember that talking can start something, or stop something
from happening at any time.”